Friday, August 26, 2011

Doctor Walt's CAD For Kids

Doctor Walt's CAD For Kids Review

Doctor Walt's CAD For Kids Feature

  • A Special Modified version of CADKEY 98 software
  • 398 page full color training manual
  • Step by Step instructions
  • A large resource library containing premade solid models of
  • house, furniture, creature, car, and robot parts
The perfect educational product for your child. A special modified version of CADKEY98 software accompanied by a training manual introduces your child to the world of drawing and three-dimensional solid modeling. A lively teaching mouse named "Doctor Walt" headlines the show. This product also includes special pointers on construction of Cars, Houses, Creatures, Robots, and Furniture. A CD-Rom is also included with a large collection of pre-made component parts that your child can use in any project. FastBound Book, 8 1/2 X 11 full color format.

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